Guamal, Meta - Bolívar Davivienda Foundation

In the company of the Bolívar Davivienda Foundation, we returned to the municipality of Guamal, in Meta, to be able to benefit the Colombianitos from the I.E José María Córdoba.

The objective of the project is to train 240 students and 239 parents in citizenship skills and life skills through pedagogical, sports and psychosocial strategies.

It includes sports training adapted to the needs of boys and girls in the area, training sessions and methodological transfer to six teachers belonging to the educational institution.

Also, there are psychosocial training spaces for parents and / or caregivers of the beneficiaries, to effectively involve them in the academic processes of their children.


See also 

Un gol a la Equidad – FIFA Foundation

Un gol a la Equidad – FIFA Foundation

En alianza con FIFA Foundation, se implementa un proyecto deportivo basado en el fútbol para fomentar los principios de equidad de género. 1.320 niños, niñas adolescentes y jóvenes de tres instituciones educativas en Antioquia, Cauca y Bogotá, serán los beneficiarios...


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