More than 7,000 children from Meta will play for Peace
This initiative is part of the program ‘Goals for a better a life’, developed by Colombianitos Foundation in alliance with Ecopetrol.
Más de 7 mil niños del Meta jugarán por la paz
This initiative is part of the program ‘Goals for a better a life’, developed by Colombianitos Foundation in alliance with Ecopetrol.
A total of 7,300 children from 47 sites, corresponding to 10 educational institutions in the municipalities of Acacías, Castilla la Nueva and Guamal, will participate in sporting events that began today, September 17 and seek to improve and develop their soft skills and citizenship competencies, under the methodology ‘Let’s play for peace’.
This initiative is part of the program ‘Goals for a better life’, developed by Colombianitos Foundation in alliance with Ecopetrol, and aims at helping children and young people to become peace builders within their communities. In the same way, this methodology is intended to be a tool that helps reduce the phenomenon of violence that occurs among students of educational institutions. Values such as dialogue and respect will be promoted throughout the sporting events, where sport becomes a pretext in order to talk with children about how to be better human beings.
The inauguration began with a parade at the Dinamarca Educational Institution of the municipality of Acacías, and several football matches were held with the participation of 370 primary students and 400 high school students, each lasting 15 minutes. Daniel León, Rector of the Dinamarca Educational Institution, indicated that the students have felt very motivated, very happy, very committed and that finally they are the judges that will determine if the event works or not, but in general they have been very comfortable and very satisfied. Luisa Lara, project director Ecopetrol-Colombianitos, said the event was a success because of the parade that was an initiative of the teachers and students, and the organization of the teams with shields, flags and cheers, managed to capture the creativity and enthusiasm of children and young people, for an activity such as sports in which values and soft skills such as teamwork are promoted.
The opening ceremony was held on Tuesday 18 at 8:30 am, in the José María Córdoba Educational Institution in the municipality of Guamal. The scheduled games were held after the ceremony and the intergrade games will be developed on Wednesday 19 at 9:30 am in the Henry Daniels Educational Institution in the municipality of Castilla la Nueva.
The sporting events will last until October 30 and will involve students from first to eleven grade, primary and physical education teachers from the focalized centers, the educational community in general and sports advisors from the Colombianitos Foundation. Teachers and sports counselors stated that thanks to the activities and dynamics of the program, children and young people are strengthening their citizen competencies, social emotional skills and school drop-out reduces. This is a contribution of Ecopetrol in order to improve the quality of life of children in Meta.
Vía: Informando

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